Soul Communications
Connecting from Soul to Soul in Service of Consciousness Evolution.
Specializing in the process of death, transition and reincarnation of animals. 
Lifting taboos surrounding death.
Our animal companions are amazing teachers and most of them are with us to help with our personal growth. 
One of their main purposes is for us to understand the process of dying, because if we understand death, we’ll understand life and live it free of fear!

Since they have much shorter incarnations than we do, we most certainly will experience the loss of more than one dear animal. Be witnesses to the end of their physical body, and to what comes afterwards, eliminates the great taboo that was put on this issue, and with it the fear we were taught to have of death.

Death has two protagonists, the one who leaves and the one who stays. 
The one who remains suffers a loss and goes through a mourning process to transmute the pain and sadness of such loss.
From the perspective of the one who leaves, death is a transition from one state to another, so it is in fact a celebration of life, of the incarnation just lived, and of the process - and progress - in the Great Life of the soul. 
For we beings who inhabit this planet Earth are souls with a physical body, which one day we leave behind again.

I specialize in this side of the coin, in the soul's perspective, and if we know it, then the mourning, the other side of the coin, becomes much more bearable...
Finding even joy in death is a quantum leap in our evolution! The fact that I use the words JOY and DEATH in the same sentence, hints at how enormous the transformation is that I am talking about....

The loss of a four-legged family member is very painful, so we want to make sure the transition is as smooth as possible for everyone involved, while respecting the animal's wishes in the process. 
One of the most difficult issues to address is how to decide whether or when to euthanize your beloved furry companion. Some want to avoid pain at all costs, others want to live through the whole process naturally. Ask them!
It is imperative to explain it clearly so it doesn't take them by surprise. Some souls might get lost, disoriented, if they do not know what has happened to them. Tell your animal what is going to happen, he will understand.
Some animals have specific wishes as to how and where to be buried, others do not.
As grieving as we may be, we show respect if we honor their wishes....

The process of leaving a physical body is similar to a birth, but in this case the soul frees itself from the density of matter to return to a higher frequency. The transition can be very fast or last several days, again depending on the experience and the state of consciousness of the soul. For consideration I always wait at least three days to make the first attempt of communication.

Once a reasonable amount of time has passed, I can communicate with the transcended soul, perceive the moment in which they are, and transmit their messages to you. Whether they are still "close" to their family, or have already passed into the Light, what they have to tell us always greatly relieves our grief!

Once they have "crossed the Rainbow Bridge," as it is so beautifully said, the soul integrates what it learned in the last incarnation before moving on. There are intermediate resting stations, where I often "meet" souls when death is recent. They then decide how to move on, although very experienced and conscious souls already know this before they start the process (see the story of my "Alaska").
The whole process depends on the level of consciousness of the animal, but once they have "passed into the Light" their state is always described as absolute bliss.

Will we see each other again? Some beings are just passing through our lives, but others are faithful soul companions who accompany us incarnation after incarnation for some specific purpose. "Samakhol" told me that we are two souls traveling together with mutual respect, and her main purpose is to bring me joy, life after life, which she has been doing for over 300 years...

Thanks to comforting messages from the afterlife, we are able to know how they crossed the Rainbow Bridge, where they are after leaving their physical bodies, and often even if they are going to come back… Understanding the process of life and death from the perspective of someone who’s “on the other side”, is extremely enriching!


On one occasion my dog and soulmate “Samakhol” told me that we are to teach about the topic of death, transition and reincarnation of animals – and every living being, for that matter, including ourselves. So it is not by chance that the messages that move me most are precisely from transcended souls! 

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